Self-Care Checklist Template

Prioritize your self-care with our printable checklist templates. You can download it or print in a PDF format to keep a healthy and balanced happy life!

Self-Care Checklist Template

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What is a Self-care Checklist?

What is a Self-care Checklist?

According to recent research, self-care is the ability to care for yourself through awareness in order to maintain health and well-being. Many of us want to live a healthy and happy life, lower our stress level, but it’s so challenging to put self-care activity on the priority list. The first thing to tackle is to think of different aspects of life and create a self-care checklist that will fulfill your needs and goals. For instance, including such activities as making time for any morning routine, doing regular exercise, getting enough sleep, taking a healthy habit, practicing mindfulness, reading, or taking courses might be what you really need. Consider creating and following your own self-care checklist template and start your self-care journey to impactful life!

How to Make a Self-care Checklist?

Want to make sure you're taking care of yourself regularly? First, it can be easier for you to think about what you want to focus on, what inspires and motivates you. Do you want to improve your physical health, emotional aspect, or personal productivity? Finding balance with self-care isn't easy, but with our editable self-care checklists, you can adapt them to fit your needs and turn your goals into actions. With a little effort, you can make self-care habits a regular part of your routines and get the benefit for your mind and body.

What Should Be Included in a Self-care Checklist?

If you strive for balance in all parts of your life on a daily and long-term basis, we suggest including a self-care plan that caters to all aspects: physical, emotional, psychological, social, and other. Here are some examples of things that you can do to take care of yourself. You might want to add such routines as eating healthy food, drinking enough water, getting enough sleep, making time to be with friends, exercising regularly, writing in a journal, spending time in nature, meditating, writing things you’re grateful for, and dozens of things that make sense for you personally. Some researchers point out that self-care looks different for everyone. With our free self-care checklist, you can take time to reflect on activities you enjoy doing, that make you feel good and that give you a sense of happiness in life.

Create your checklist
What is a Self-care Checklist?

Basic Self-care Checklist Template

Basic Self-care Checklist Template

Are you looking for a guide or handy tools to take care of yourself and be a better version of yourself? Then, a basic self-care checklist is just what you need. Basic routines you can include are getting enough hydration, exercising, and going for a walk. For example, if you work at a desk 8 hours in a row, a 15-minute stretching will benefit you. If you struggle with staying hydrated, put your daily self-care checklist in a place that you see often to have it as a reminder. With a self-care basics checklist, you will make time for the things that are suitable to your lifestyle and individual health.

Create your checklist
Basic Self-care Checklist Template
Daily Self-care checklist Template

Daily Self-care checklist Template

Overwhelmed with the daily grind and finding it hard to make time for self-care? Then, a daily self-care checklist template will allow you to see the bigger picture and ensure you're staying on track with your self-care routines and daily needs. You don’t have to follow strictly the same activities regularly, so just do what makes you comfortable. We have created a printable daily self care checklist as a handful and fun way to manage self-care routines on a daily basis.

Weekly Self-care checklist template

If you're looking for a way to stay on top of your self-care routine, a weekly checklist is the happy medium to plan and prioritize self-care activities for the upcoming week. From hitting up the gym and making sure you're eating healthy to connecting with friends and family, a self-care weekly checklist will keep you organized. With your own weekly self-care checklist at hand, you'll be able to make sure you're taking care of yourself regularly and enjoying a designated self-care day each week. You can use Cheqmark as a template resource, to help set aside time for yourself.

Self-care Monthly Checklist Template

The grind of being a modern individual is fast and furious. Simply by prioritizing your self-care, you can take a step back and reflect on your overall health and well-being, and create a plan to address your goals. So if you're looking to take your self-care routine to the next level, consider using a monthly self-care checklist template. You'll be amazed at how effective it can be in helping you achieve your health and wellness goals. Think of self-care routines that you can do each day or throughout the month and lay out a monthly plan with our beautiful templates. Over time, taking tiny steps with the help of a self-care monthly checklist can change your approach and life quality for the better.

Create your checklist
Daily Self-care checklist Template

Self-care Checklist for Adults

Self-care Checklist for Adults

As adults, we all need to recharge regularly and put our physical, mental, and emotional health on the priority list. In today's fast-paced world, creating a self-care checklist for adults of all ages is increasingly important and can be a great way to improve our lives. While there are a lot of ways to practice self-care, taking time to relax and unwind can also help reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Whether you decide you want to drink enough water, read more books, or have an evening walk daily, remember that the more self-care routines you add to your life, the more you’ll be able to thrive. You can use our daily self-care checklist for adults to get on track.

Create your checklist
Self-care Checklist for Adults

Self-care Checklist for Kids

Self-care Checklist for Kids

While children likely don’t deal with as much stress as adults do, self-care is still beneficial for them and can help them become more aware of their needs, mentally and physically. As they get older and stress levels increase, a young child self-care checklist can help to relax and destress. Having screen-free days, listening to calming music, or creating art will help kids to keep the wellness of the body and mind. Plus, a self-care checklist for kids can also help them understand its importance and follow healthy habits and behaviors.

Create your checklist
Self-care Checklist for Kids

What our users say

Check out what our users think about the product.

Julia David
Julia David

You can create any checklist u want with help of Cheqmark. All checklists are printable, fancy design, and generally, Cheqmark made my life more organised.

Vasyl Holiney
Vasyl Holiney

Cheqmark helps me to organize my life - from a shopping list to yearly plans. Really excited about using your service!

Monta Vītola
Monta Vītola

Cheqmark functionality is superb, and I can quickly create my checklists and prioritize what to do during the month. It is very simple but very easy to use. I love the design.


What are the 7 pillars of self-care?

Self-care wheel involves seven key areas such as physical, emotional, intellectual, social, spiritual, environmental, and professional. You can start practicing self-care one area by one. Consider including at least one category in your list of activities.

What are 5 examples of self-care?

Starting a self-care checklist is one of the most conscious things you can do for your life satisfaction. For a start, you can include such things as buying yourself some flowers, taking a break from social media, trying a new habit, doing some random act of kindness, and having a good sleep for at least eight hours.

What self-care things should you do every week?

Self-care is an ongoing practice and it’s unique to each person. However, there are activities you can put in your self-care checklist routine on a weekly basis: detox from social media once a week, call your family or friends, practice gratitude, go for a mindful walk, declutter your desk, follow a balanced diet, and get sufficient sleep. With a customizable template checklist, you can easily keep track of your weekly self-care activities and have a perfect self-care day every week.

What should I do monthly for self-care?

When it comes to monthly self-care, people want to improve their physical, mental, and emotional well-being. The best advice is to include things that make you happy in your monthly routine. Here are some ideas to put on your monthly list: declutter your space, reflect on your goals, work on your personal health, take new classes, get a massage, try some new hobby, and the list is endless. A perfect self-care checklist is something you have to figure out according to your personal lifestyle.

Read our blog

Learn more about self-care ideas and emotional well-being.